Cataract Surgery

“To whom it may concern—and by that, I mean anyone who has concerns about their cataract surgery: If you are reading this (and probably wearing your glasses which are getting stronger with each prescription) you are doing your research on the possibility of cataract removal and surgery. In late November I went to watch my 10-year-old grandson play football. It was a miserable day—windy, cold and raining. But what made me miserable was not the weather. It was the realization that I couldn’t see that little boy out there in the field even with my distance glasses on. It was all just a blur. I said nothing to anyone but determined I was not about to live the rest of my life “missing the action”. Like you, I did my research and InFocus always came to the top of my research. Dr. Patricia Buehler went to the very top. I made an appointment with her. Much to my surprise, I had cataracts in both eyes. Everything was clearly explained, and there were options given and I made my decision. I had surgery and lens implants done in early 2011—there was virtually no pain, recovery was swift and the results are simply amazing! I think it is best summed up by telling you that when I saw Dr. Buehler for a follow-up exam, I told her I “hoped she developed cataract so she could see what she does for other people”. That’s a terrible wish, isn’t it? To be living with dulled colors, blurry vision and an assortment of glasses for both near and far? But it had become my reality over time and I know that it is yours, too. Not any more. If you come to a football game, or a soccer match, I’m the happy one cheering my grandson on, watching him try his best. And I won’t be wearing glasses unless it’s a sunshine day and I’ll have my off-the-peg sunglasses. Yes. I don’t wear glasses any longer.”



Professional and Careful


Completely At Ease