Efficient Care

Thursday late afternoon I called the office after suffering for 2 days with something in my left eye.  I hesitated to call because I was so sure I would just be sent to urgent care.  To my surprise, when I told whomever was on the phone, she just asked me how soon I could get to the office, then put me on hold briefly to make sure a doctor would be available.

My daughter drove me to the office, and when I checked in at the desk someone asked if I was Janet and asked me to wait a few minutes.  No more than 5 minutes passed when I was ushered into the room and had a drop put in my eye which was the first relief I had in 2 days!

After the initial exam and answering questions, and a very brief wait, the doctor (Dr. Sundy) removed 3 things from my eye. This entire process from phone call to my walking out the door was no more than 1 hour!

I want to thank everyone involved from the cheery person on the phone (Erin) to the person who helped me leave through the correct door.  You were all so wonderful, smiling and seemed happy to be helping me.  I’m so sorry I never caught any names, but you all know who you are, and I want to thank each of you for the wonderful care I received.  I don’t ever remember getting as good a care as I got last Thursday.

Thank you!!!

Janet Hodgers


I Can See Again


Vision Care